Saw my graft site today. It looks really good. The skin is pink (full of holes, too). The edges have all adhered properly, everything looks as good as possible. I didn't realize that there would be STAPLES in my leg, but... I'll get used to it and there's only a few. I also didn't realize how much the donor site was going to hurt without the wound V.A.C. on.
So I made a choice today to spend another day or two here, receiving some I.V. pain meds and anti-inflammatories. Feels a little selfish and a lot wimpy. However... that's what I've chosen.
I also found out today that it will be a minimum of 3 weeks before I can begin any weight bearing on my leg at all. For now, it is allowed to be below heart level for a total of 20 minutes every 2 hours. If you think about it... I can go to the bathroom and that's about it.
But all in all, things are doing well. That's all for tonight - I'm off to watch a movie as I fall asleep.

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