Friday, May 14, 2010

It's a Heaven Day Today

Today is post-op day 3. That means that the day after tomorrow, I may get to go home. Which would be fantastic.

However, having spent the last five months fighting to get this thing healed up, I am not going to argue with anything the surgeon says or recommends.
For the most part, the care I have received here has been phenomenal. The therapist who leads my DBT group stopped by to give me the homework from the group I missed. The psych. nurse who assists with that group came down today and spent nearly an hour - it was actually quite helpful.
My psychiatrist has been in at least twice every day, making sure that as my body gets all wonky from the surgery, the psych meds are adjusted as needed. Have had a few nurses and/or nurse's aids who are rather bitter that my "bed rest" does not involve a catheter or bedpan. Not sure why - it's less work for them this way, and it's definitely less traumatic for me. If the surgeon had not agreed to the modification, the psychiatrist would have prescribed some pretty serious sedatives.

Plus there's the whole laptop that's been supplied for my use. And the fact that some friends have allowed me to borrow some of their movies.
I guess I don't really have anything else to update you with. The wrappings (half-cast and LOTS of padding) won't come off until Sunday, and we won't know if the graft took, or how well it took, until then. Can't say when I'll be home, because nobody knows.

But I do know that when I get there, my house will be amazingly clean. My wonderful aunt Barb came over today, and she worked hard (very hard, from what I hear) to make my homecoming easier and safer. Extremely grateful.
My grampa's sweet, dear sister Hazel has stepped into eternity to join that cloud of witnesses. Those of us still here will miss her, but truth is, she's never been better than she is now. Today is her heaven day.
Specific prayer requests - rapid regrowth of skin at the donor site, and rapid growth at the graft site. Less of the pins and needles sensation, less itching. And it'd be great if the really persistent and very uncomfortable aching in my tibia were to ease up a bit.
So, that's all I've got for tonight.

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