Sum up your existance in just ONE word, what would it be?
The last three years have been difficult. More difficult than I would have believed, if someone had tried to warn me. Today marks one week exactly until the day we expected our daughter to be born. Well, date, anyway. The actual day was two years ago. This wil lbe the second Christmas without my Gramma. The second birthday. Second new year's. We just got done with the second Thanksgiving. Next month will be two years since she died, so abruptly. There are issues my husband and I are helping eachother through. Our home is moving slowly, impeded by my inability to function half the time due to pain. But...
I've been redeemed. I am saved. My name is written in the Lamb's book of Life. And nobody and no THING can take that from me. So. I would sum up my existance as....
What about you? Leave a comment, let me know.

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