Today, I was thinking about what I'm most thankful for. The thing that came up the most, and the strongest, on this day, was initially my church. I honestly believe that a person can be saved, love God, serve Him, and go to heaven without ever setting foot in a church. I also believe that doing so would be very, very difficult. And I do not know if I could do it. But thankfully, I DO have my church. My wonderful, fabulous church. It's not perfect, nor is it the "best" one in the world. Well, in my eyes it is, but realistically I know it probably isn't. Anyway... I'm so thankful. And then I got to thinking a little more.
There is a family. This family has a mom named Mary. A dad named Harlyn. A girl who is my age, named Amanda. A girl a few years younger, named Abigail Rose. This family brought me to my church. The first time. And lots of times after that. I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord." I thank God they did.
Then I got to thinking about how they ended up there. And realized something. This awesome, amazing, miraculous thing that was my arrival in this church, was born out of tragedy. A terrible, sad, horrible event. An event that has changed the life and perspective of so many. It could have derailed them. It could have been the end of faith for many . But it wasn't. They made it. They survived. They laugh. They smile. They love. They live. Without him. Without that special boy. I know only a fraction of what they must live with, regarding that event. And only a fraction. But I also know that I am grateful, and eternally so, for them. Grateful that they did not become bitter. Grateful that in the midst of sorrow and heart-wrenching pain, and what must have been (and probably still is) a million questions that have no answers, they reached out. They didn't let it stop them from ministering. From helping. From impacting. Me. My life. And so, I am thankful. For them. For Billy, who touched my life so deeply without ever meeting me. And thankful to God, that He gave them the strength for this journey.
I may come back tomorrow (or today, later) and rewrite this, to make it more coherent, more... fitting. More expressive and articulate. Or I may just leave it as it is.

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