Tonight, or rather, this morning, there is one verse I cling to. I won't detail why... it's not relevant to most who might be reading this. The verse is found in John chapter 15.
Verse three says:
Now you are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you.
Now. I am clean. Through the Word. Which He has already spoken to me. When life gets spiritual, emotional, or figurative dirt on us, it's washed off. Through the Word which He has spoken to us. I need that. I need to be reminded of that. Daily. Because daily, I am in need of not just forgiveness for my sins and shortcomings, but also from the dirt this world gets on me. There's more to it, but I won't share here. It seemed that God directed me to this passage yesterday, when I was seeking comfort in the only sure place - His Word.

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