Grief. That thing we feel when someone dear to us, steps into eternity. That empty, hollow, overflowing feeling. The way the world looks gray and dull when picturing it without our loved one there. Most of us know the ache of waking that first morning, knowing it's your first full day without him or her. Most of us know what it is to stand there in the cemetery, waiting for them to lower someone precious into the ground for a final time.
But not all of us know hope. Not all of us believe in heaven and eternal life. That is the part I don't understand. How does a person who has no hope, grieve and then move on? Where do they draw their strength from? How do they reconcile the death with the eternal nature of our spirits - something we know deep inside regardless of creed?
I believe in eternity. I believe in Heaven. I believe that my daughter and my other children are all there waiting for me. I believe my Gramma is there, and that as we always talked about when I was growing up, she will meet me at the Eastern Gate. I believe my great-grandpa Max is there. My great-uncle Elmer. My brother.
And it fills me with hope and anticipation. The day is coming when I'll be reunited with them all, and I will never have to say goodbye again.
So I grieve, but with hope.

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