So, I have been very delinquent in the upkeep of this blog.
To be honest, I haven't felt like I have anything compelling to share. But I do miss the writing, so I may just get back into the swing of things - time will tell.
Lately, I've had a barrage of medical problems. First, a long battle with recurrent infection in my leg, followed by a brief break and then a battle with unexplained weight loss, followed by a bite from a deer tick (which I was unaware of, but I'll get to that in a moment), followed by a bite from a brown recluse spider which turned necrotic and now, two months in, is still healing, followed by waking up one morning with Bell's Palsy, followed by a positive Lyme test (hence knowing I got bit by a deer tick, and the high titer indicates it's been a while). So now I am on steroids for the Bell's and antibiotics for the Lyme. I have a 3 inch defect in my leg which is healing daily, but it's still taking it's time. My right side of my face doesn't work right now - not my mouth, not my eye, not my forehead or my cheek. I've got my eye taped shut as that's the only way to stop the constant burning and watering.
But in all this? Yes, in all this, my God is faithful. He hasn't left me or forsaken me. He has done much good. He protected my kidneys in the middle of a systemic reaction to the brown recluse bite. He is healing the result of that bite quickly. He kept me from fear when I woke up with half my face not functioning. He allowed the steroids to work quickly to reduce the pain in the nerves of my face. He had the doctor test for Lyme disease, of which I've had no other symptoms. And He will continue to prove Himself faithful - it's how He is.

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