You might remember this post from a while back. After a lot of reading and praying and looking carefully at what is actually being done by each program, our choice was narrowed down to one region, one center. At that center, we chose a child to sponsor through Compassion. I have said before that they are excellent stewards of the funds they receive. I've looked at a lot of sponsorship programs, and Compassion stands out as making a tangible difference, with a focus on enabling the children and their families to be independent. And they stand out in consistent expenditures. I've seen programs where as little as 40% of what is donated goes toward anything that actually impacts the child. Compassion is, and has consistently been, much higher than that. When you look for a child to sponsor, you can read what it's like where he or she lives, as well as see what, exactly, will be provided by their local program. It varies at each location.
Back to our child.
We chose her region, her center, because they provide basic food supplies, medical procedures, exams, and treatments, school supplies, and tuition. All of that... but most importantly, they teach her the Word of God. They will tell her of His love, of His provision. They'll teach her, as she grows, to be able to support herself. They will help her family, too, to be better able to provide.
Our child's name is Marpendo, which means Great Love. She is beautiful, and I love the meaning behind her name. In the way she holds her body, face pointing at the camera but eyes averted, an empty smile... she seems so love-starved. I don't believe her family is depriving her of love... but if she's not had His love, she's starving. We'll get that fixed. She reminds me of my Rico that I sponsored so long ago... he had that same face, the same expression. Over that first year, her smiles started to get more genuine. Light appeared in his eyes. I loved seeing that change, and I am so excited to witness (and be a part of) that same change in Marpendo.
I pray that Marpendo would grow in stature and wisdom and knowledge of Him. I pray that the love of God would be undeniably present in her life, and that the ministry she will be receiving will overflow to the family member who takes care of her. Marpendo's parents are no longer living on earth. I pray that my God would help to heal her wounded heart. Fill her with hope and expectation... that she'd learn that He has plans for her, good plans, plans to give her a hope and a future.
I'm just so excited and feel so peaceful, choosing to finally go back through the door God never closed.

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