So MckMama..." is a phrase frequently uttered in our home, by myself and my husband. MckMama is one of those rare people who lets herself be seen by others. She lets us see her as she follows Christ - flaws and all.
Each week, MckMama hosts a blogfest called "Not Me Monday." Not Me Monday is, in a nutshell, a no-cost-involved self-therapy program designed for people like me. It gives those who participate full license to disclose all of those details that we usually keep carefully hidden. It also allows us (the participants) to read about all of the things that other people definitely did *NOT* do this past week.
So here are my "Not Me Monday's." Be sure to head on over to MckMama's Blog to check out more.
- I
occasionallyfrequently receive e-mails with the words "I found a baby bird" in the subject line. Why? Well, I helped one person on one forum, one time, years ago. This person truly was in a position to care for said baby bird, and they were not in a position to get this baby to a rehabber. So I helped. And now, whenever people search for help with the baby bird they've found, they come across that ancient post.
But this past week? I most certainly did not receive an e-mail with this exact phrase... "I put it in a flower pot that had grass going in it and placed it on our trampoline..." Upon reading that, I did not stare dumbly at the screen. For several minutes.
However, if that did happen, I would have still helped the individual by providing contact information so they could contact a rehabber, as well as some basic instructions for assisting this baby. - Along those same lines... I most certainly did not reply to the fourth or fifth e-mail in one afternoon regarding a baby that was taken from the ground with mom and dad bird nearby. And in that nonexistent reply, I definitely did write, "Please. Stop breaking the law - it is illegal to have that baby bird. And while you're at it - put the baby back. Seriously. Mom and dad were there because they are taking care of it. And by the way... how did you find my e-mail in that four year old post but have absolutely no luck finding a wildlife rehabilitator?" But if I had typed out such a reply, I wouldn't have sent it.
- I am not currently snuggling under the covers with my cat. But if I was, it would be unerstandable, as he is the epitome of catness, you know.
- I am not cringing at the thought of the week I'm about to launch into. But if I was, you'd understand after a brief look at my schedule:
Monday - leave for work by 8:00 AM, get done at 5:30, but can't go home because Derek's not done until 9:30. Planning to force a friend to go for a walk to work his recently reconstructed knees. And needing to go to a particular place of business in order to schedule some appointments. And having at least two letters to write. One of which I don't really want to write. And having to somehow touch base with the church office in the morning. While working. A job I don't particularly feel prepared to do.
Tuesday - leave for work by 8:00 AM. Get done at 5:30. Drop one of those letters I wrote on Monday off. Eat. Get to church by about 6:30, to make sure everything is set for photography. As soon as church is over, book back over to work to get Derek. Home by 10:30, if we're lucky.
Wednesday - leave for work by 7:45 AM, since I'll be flexing early (I think). Work till 5:15. Get to church (30 minutes away) by 5:50, have one of those "heavy" appointments, then church from 7:00 to about 9:30. Head back to work, get Derek. Hopefully home by 11:00 PM.
Thursday - leave for work by 8:00 AM, work till 5:30 PM, back to church for another special service, do video (camera) which entails being on my feet for about 2.5 hours, then back to work, get Derek, drive home, hopefully to arrive around 11:00 PM.
Friday - blissful Friday. Planning to shoot for a shift swap with someone, so I can hang out with my hubby in the morning and start work some time afternoon. But also appealing is the notion of flexing fifteen minutes early again, getting done by 5:15, and having just over four hours to muck around in the woods somewhere, maybe get some decent pictures.
And somewhere in all this, we have to close on our house. And then there's the fact that we need to keep working on our house, because it's not even sort of done. I suppose I should really attempt to get some sleep somewhere in there, and maybe even eat some food? - My cat did not just get his claw stuck in the couch. And make all sorts of strange noises and flailing movements before I realized he wasn't just being... odd.
- I am not sort of dreading Mother's Day. Because it isn't a day filled with memories, and with tears, because I miss her so much.
- I'm not ending here, because I've come up with something else I want to work on. No... not me.

1 comment:
Wow, sounds like you have a crazy week going on. Maybe all the baby birds will be okay this week, and no one will need your expertise!
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