My precious child,
It is hard knowing that if you'd been born on your due date, you would be turning ten today. We'd celebrate with your dad and I, and your Pops and Memaw and your Grampa and Yaya. You'd be reminded yet again that you are loved and cherished.
But that is not to be. Annaliah, I feel your loss so acutely this year. It's as though the brightness from the sun has disappeared behind a fog of grief. Precious one, we lost you and less than a year later, my beloved Gramma was killed. It's not fair. Life is not fair.
I don't need fair. I have faith. My God has chosen me, has spared me, loves me, provides for me. Even when unfair things happen, He is there.
But I want fair.
Annaliah, as your mother, my greatest desire is for you to be safe and happy, and most of all to walk with God. You are all those things now, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Happy birthday baby girl. You are loved and you are missed.

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