But now I want to get up.
I was so little when I started deliberately hurting myself. So little. And stopping... stopping was honestly the most effort I have ever had to put forth to follow through on a decision.
And it was worth every drop of sweat and every tortured moment.
I have not and will not, ever, choose to go back down that road. Because when I was five, maybe I didn't have a choie. Maybe then, because of my youth, I was without other options.
But now, I do have a choice.
I also have a large skin graft on my leg that has broken down and degraded and ulcerated. There isn't a solid explaination. And the question has been raised - did I do this to myself? And more importantly, did I do so deliberately?
And my answer... doesn't seem to matter. No. I didn't do anything to harm myself. Well, I have stubbed my toes a few times lately, and I've pulled a couple muscles working out. But nothing deliberate. There are so many ways I could try to argue, so many things I could try to do to prove myself, but... what is the point of doing that? Would it actually convince anyone of ANYthing? I don't think it would.
The only thing I can do is trust the truth to be revealed - whatever that is. Something has to have caused this. My prayer is that someone, somewhere, figures out what. And that somehow, someone can stop it from happening again. I don't really care who or how or what... just as long as my leg can heal.
And I can't even earnestly and genuinely insist that they are all completely off their rockers. They are wrong, yes. But they wouldn't be thinking along these lines in the first place if I had never had those problems.
They are just doing their jobs.
That's what I tell myself when they ask and I breathe deeply and fight to uncurl my fist and everything ni me wants to scream and yell and pitch a fit.
What is happening now, is not my fault.
But the questions it is raising, they probably ARE.

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