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First, if you want to read my fertility blog, you will have to either email me or leave a comment as it is now protected. It will stay this way for at least the next few weeks, as we go through retrieval, fertilization, and get "the news." It's not that I want to hide from the world... it's just that I want to have a way to update people, but not have the added stress of nay-sayers.
Now, on to the Top Secret Information I have for you.
Truth is, I have been holding out on you guys big time. There was a big thing that happened back in September, a thing that we didn't want anybody to hear about second-hand. We also didn't want to tell certain people until we had a resolution to said thing.
Derek was working, and he made a statement to a customer that seemed perfectly acceptable at the time - both to Derek and to the customer. However, the manager monitoring the call felt that Derek was trying to avoid helping the customer and chose to terminate his employment. We were truthfully terrified. Especially me. He was more ashamed than afraid, I think.
But over the days and weeks following, I was prouder of him than I've maybe ever been. Like me, he's still imperfect. Because he's still human and trapped on earth. In the past, I've ached for him to step up and be the leader I believe God has called him to be. For him to be decisive, firm. To lead our family. And it hasn't always happened (don't get me wrong - there have also been times I've chosen not to follow or submit, which is in my opinion probably more dangerous). But this time, he didn't back down.
He told me what we were going to do. He stuck to his word. He worked so hard to get a new job - and had one 3 days after he was informed that he was fired. Not a great job - not the best fit for him, poor wages and no benefits. But better than starving, right? He worked at that job diligently, all the while searching for an alternative (I helped, but the spotlight here is on Derek). He's applied at so many locations, but as many of you know, the job market just isn't the best right now. There was one job he was promised that never came to fruition. He was so disappointed when the date he should have started came and went. He wanted to work for that company - still does.
Then, last week, he got a phone call informing him of a different, unexpected opening at that company. It pays $3.60 more per hour than the job he originally wanted, and is in the IT field (something Derek really wanted to break into). His position right now is officially temporary, but will hopefully be made permanent in January. Meanwhile, at the other job he was working, he asked if he could go part time. They were disappointed - they were planning on promoting him very shortly after he completed training. They said yes though. So he is staying there part time, with the knowledge that if he were to return to full time, the promotion is waiting for him.
Can I just say, I am proud of him? I think he's acted very honorably and very much the "man" in all of this. Thank you Derek, for leading our family, for loving me, and most of all, for loving God.