This promise, this unchangeable, unshakable truth, is so precious to me. He is with me. With me. Wherever I go. Whatever I do. He is with me. Nothing can hide me from Him. From His love. From His mercy. His goodness. His correction. He is with me.
Matthew 28:20 - Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
This promise, this unchangeable, unshakable truth, bothers me. He is with me. With me. Wherever I go. Whatever I do. He is with me. I can't hide from him. Nothing I do escapes him. There are plenty of things I've done that I wish he hadn't seen. Things I've confessed, sure. Things He's forgiven. Things He loves me in spite of. And yet... He is with me?
It is one of those things that will stop me in my tracks. It will freeze the words that are about to come flying out of my mouth. It will arrest my attention. It causes me to hesitate before doing things that may not be the most... wholesome. It, in essence, enhances my conscience.
But it also gives me courage when inside, I am imagining every bad outcome. It gives me strength when I am falling apart and know I can't keep going. It gives me hope when there doesn't seem to be any answer.
Lo, I am with you always.
A great, glorious promise.

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