To help this page load better and faster, I've removed my slideshow from the top. You can still watch it, though. If you want. It's about my Gramma, for those who don't remember or didn't see. Actually, more of a tribute. She was killed on January 31st of 2007. So two years ago this past Saturday. I haven't forgotten.
Click here to watch it.
I have changed up the background. I don't really like the new layout or background, either. But at least it's not depressing and "blah."
I'm seriously considering going to a VERY simple design, but just can't seem to make myself do it.
Lots to write about in the next few days. Stay tuned for a whole bunch of random ramblings.
I have a medical mystery to solve. Well, I'm not fully responsible. But it's a friend of mine who is the mystery. She's got the hematologist totally stumped. If there are any medical geeks reading this, please leave me a comment with any ideas.
Her bloodwork came back very, very strangely. Her Ferritin levels came back over a year ago at 10 (normal for our lab is between 29-32). After nearly a year of iron supplementation, it was up to just 12. After a month of intense iron supplement, it came up to 16. All of this points to significant iron deficiency.
They decided to check her Serum Iron. It came back at 184. Normal is between 35 and 140. They did an iron absorption study, and her serum iron came all the way up to 334. Which is almost dangerously high. She's got markers that say she's not getting nearly enough iron - a borderline high binding capacity.
So what could cause these two issues to happen at the same time?
The doctor had two ideas. And wants some help with coming up with ideas - he's out of his league. It seems it could be either something called Hypotransferrinemia (atransferrinemia). OR it could possibly be hematomachrosis combined with a recent iron deficiency. Which would be just bizzarre.

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